Personal Agility

by Maria Matarelli and Peter Stevens

Align what you do with what really matters

Maria Matarelli

Peter Stevens

The Personal Agility System

The Personal Agility System (PAS) is a simple, scalable framework to align actions with priorities in any context. Personal Agility goes beyond just process and efficiency to focus on activities that provide meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. It provides a simple framework to understand and limit the number of initiatives in progress to focus on what really matters and realize important objectives in business or life.

Alchemy of Personal Agility

Personal Agility helps you navigate the ocean of life by helping to understand where you are and where you are going. Celebration and Choice let you take the rudder in your hand to become who you want to be. Emergence gives you tools to shape the world around you. Kindness to yourself emerges as a natural result of using Personal Agility. By aligning what you do with what really matters, you open the door to find meaning in your life.

Maria Matarelli

Maria Matarelli is an Executive Coach, Consultant to the Fortune 100, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) and an international best selling author. Maria and her team consult businesses to reach breakthrough results by applying Agile methodologies from startups reaching $35 Million dollar valuations to streamlining Millions in cost savings for Billion dollar organizations. Maria is the founder and CEO of Formula Ink and co-founder of the Agile Marketing Academy.

Peter Stevens

Peter Stevens is an Executive, Coach, Author, Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), and Founder or co-Founder of the Scrum Ambassadors,, and the World Agility Forum. Peter serves as Chief Agility Officer for a Swiss digital health start-up. Peter also wrote Ten Agile Contracts: Getting Beyond Fixed-Price, Fixed Scope and Extreme Manufacturing. He is an instrument-rated pilot, speaks 4 languages, and lives in Zurich with his family and 3 cats.

Together, Peter and Maria founded the Personal Agility Institute with the mission of helping people and organizations align what they do with what really matters to become who they want to be and achieve what they want to achieve.